#+TITLE: Simple org mode beamer example #+OPTIONS: toc:nil #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{times} * This is an org-mode file of 59 lines My name is {{{author}}}, and... + I am learning org-mode + I have come this far + I have a lot to learn * Source for my minimal Example The source for the previous page is: #+BEGIN_SRC org * This is an org-mode file of 59 lines My name is {{{author}}}, and... + I am learning org-mode + I have come this far + I have a lot to learn #+END_SRC * Let's try some Python OK, here we go - some python and some results. Please note that the output line is generated in Emacs. #+begin_src python :results output :exports both def mydata(x): head = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] d = [1, 2, 3] d[1] = d[-1] + x return [head, d] print mydata(42) #+end_src #+RESULTS: : [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], [1, 45, 3]] * Let's try columns The source, as always, is Wikipedia. ** Left (This name is hidden in beamer mode) :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_col: 0.5 :END: + *Left-wing politics* are political positions or activities that accept or support social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. ** Right (this name is also hidden in beamer mode) :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_col: 0.5 :END: + *Right-wing* politics are political positions or activities that view some forms of social stratification or social inequality as either inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically justifying this position on the basis of natural law or tradition. * Can we insert an image? [[file:simple-org-mode-beamer.png]]